If you’ve placed an order and decide you no longer want it, that’s completely fine! Simply reach out to us via text or call, and we’ll confirm both the cancellation and the refund for your order. However, please note that if the delivery is already in progress, the delivery fee may not be refundable.
Should you change your mind about keeping your received items, we’ve got you covered! We offer two options:
We can send a driver to pick up the items from you. Please note that a return fee will apply.
You can bring the items to our warehouse for an exchange.
Note: Returned items must be in their original, unopened condition, and the packaging must be undamaged.
If you’ve received a faulty or incorrect item, please submit a detailed case for our review. Depending on your location and our current order volume, we’ll do one of the following:
Arrange for the item to be picked up and provide a full refund or exchange. This option is only possible if reported within an hour after delivery and if our driver is nearby.
Provide you with our warehouse address where you can send the faulty item at our expense. Once received and confirmed, you’ll receive a full refund or re-delivery.
Offer an exchange along with additional freebies in your next order for the inconvenience.
If the wrong item was delivered, it may be due to an oversight or stock issue. Please refer to the above options for refunds or exchanges.
For all refund or replacement cases, please allow 24-48 hours for us to open and process your case.
Melbourne’s #1 trusted service provider of nangs delivery and cream charger delivery in Melbourne. We import and distribute leading cream charger brands, including but not limited to BestWhip, Whip Right, Mosa, SupremeWhip, ISI.
Monday / Thursday 9 am – 2:30 am
Friday / Sunday 9:30 am – 5 am
© 2024 KingWhip.Com.Au All Rights Reserved.
T&C: You agree that you are over the age of 18 and that the recipient of the goods is also over the age of 18. You agree that King Whip may request to see proof of age with a photo before delivering goods and refusal to display valid photo identification will result in the transaction being cancelled.